
Thulite is a gemstone composed of calcium manganese aluminum silicate. [1]

Images of thulite

Thulite: Quick Facts and Characteristics

Some quick facts for Thulite:
  • Transparency: Thulite can be opaque or translucent.
  • Crystallography: In terms of crystallography, thulite is orthorhombic.
  • Luster: In terms of luster, thulite is vitreous (glassy).
  • Streak: Thulite streaks white.

Thulite: Background and Summary

Thulite is a pink variety of the mineral zoisite, which is found in metamorphic rocks. It was first discovered in Norway in the early 19th century and was named after the mythical island of Thule. Thulite is often used as a gemstone and is valued for its attractive pink color, which ranges from pale pink to deep rose. It is also used in decorative objects, such as vases, figurines, and carvings.

Thulite is relatively easy to identify due to its distinctive pink color. It has a hardness of 6 to 7 on the Mohs scale, which means it is relatively hard and durable. Thulite has a vitreous to greasy luster and a translucent to opaque appearance. It often occurs in massive form, but can also be found in crystal form.

Thulite is primarily used as a gemstone and is popular in jewelry. It is often cut into cabochons, beads, and faceted stones. Thulite is also used in decorative objects, such as vases, figurines, and carvings. In addition, thulite has some industrial uses, such as in the production of refractory materials and as a source of rare earth elements.

Thulite: Table of Properties

Attribute Thulite (src)
Transparency translucent, opaque
Chemical Formula Ca2Al3(SiO4)3(OH)
Chemical Composition calcium manganese aluminum silicate
Streak white
Crystallography orthorhombic
Hydrous No
Colors common: red, pink
Category sorosilicate
Birefringence δ = 0.006-0.018

Thulite: FAQ

Q: Is thulite a rare mineral?
A: Thulite is not particularly rare, but high-quality specimens can be difficult to find.

Q: Can thulite be found outside of Norway?
A: Yes, thulite can be found in other countries, including the United States, Canada, and Australia.

Q: Is thulite a valuable gemstone?
A: Thulite is not as valuable as some other gemstones, but high-quality specimens can be quite valuable.


- Thulite
- Gemological Institute of America: Thulite
- Thulite
- Thulite:

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