
Rhodolite is a gemstone (garnet) composed of magnesium iron aluminum silicate. [1]

Images of rhodolite

Rhodolite: Quick Facts and Characteristics

Some quick facts for Rhodolite:
  • Transparency: Rhodolite can be translucent or transparent.
  • Luster: In terms of luster, rhodolite is vitreous (glassy).
  • Streak: Rhodolite streaks white.

Rhodolite: Background and Summary

Rhodolite is a mineral that belongs to the garnet family. It is a type of garnet that is a mixture of two other types of garnets - pyrope and almandine. Rhodolite is a pink to purple-red variety of garnet, and its name is derived from the Greek words "rhodon" meaning "rose" and "lithos" meaning "stone". It is a popular gemstone due to its unique color and high clarity.

To identify rhodolite, one can look for its color, which is usually a pink to purple-red hue. It also has a high refractive index, which means it reflects light well, giving it a brilliant shine. Rhodolite can be found in various locations around the world, including Brazil, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, and the United States.

One of the main uses of rhodolite is as a gemstone. It is often used in jewelry such as rings, necklaces, and earrings. Its unique color makes it a popular choice for those looking for a statement piece of jewelry. Rhodolite is also used in the manufacturing of abrasives, as it is a hard mineral that can be used to polish and grind other materials.

Rhodolite: Table of Properties

Attribute Rhodolite (src)
Transparency transparent, translucent
Chemical Formula (Mg,Fe)3Al2Si3O12
Chemical Composition magnesium iron aluminum silicate
Streak white
Hydrous No
Colors common: purple
sometimes: red
Category nesosilicate
Birefringence none

Rhodolite: FAQ

Q: Is rhodolite a rare mineral?
A: Rhodolite is not considered a rare mineral, but high-quality specimens can be hard to find.

Q: Can rhodolite be treated to enhance its color?
A: Rhodolite is not typically treated to enhance its color, as it already has a desirable hue.

Q: What is the Mohs hardness of rhodolite?
A: Rhodolite has a Mohs hardness of 7-7.5, making it a relatively hard mineral.


- Gemological Institute of America. (n.d.). Rhodolite. Retrieved from https://www.gia.edu/rhodolite
- Mindat.org. (n.d.). Rhodolite. Retrieved from https://www.mindat.org/min-3424.html
- Rhodolite: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhodolite

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