
Pearl is a very popular gemstone composed of calcium carbonate. [1]

Images of pearl

Pearl: Quick Facts and Characteristics

Some quick facts for Pearl:
  • Transparency: Pearl can be opaque or translucent.
  • Crystallography: In terms of crystallography, pearl is orthorhombic.
  • Luster: In terms of luster, pearl can be dull or pearly.
  • Streak: Pearl streaks white.
  • Hardness: Pearl's hardness ranges from 2.5 to 4.5 on the Moh's scale.
  • Specific Gravity: Pearl's specific gravity ranges from 2.6 to 2.72.

Pearl: Background and Summary

Pearl is a mineral that is formed within the shells of certain mollusks, particularly oysters and mussels. It is a hard, round, lustrous object that is highly prized for its beauty and rarity. Pearls are formed when a foreign object, such as a grain of sand or a piece of shell, enters the mollusk and irritates its soft tissue. The mollusk then secretes a substance called nacre around the irritant, layer upon layer, until a pearl is formed.

Pearls have been used for adornment for thousands of years, and are associated with wealth, beauty, and purity. They are often used in jewelry, such as necklaces, earrings, and bracelets, and are highly valued for their unique beauty and rarity. Pearls come in a variety of colors, including white, black, pink, and blue, and can be round, oval, or irregular in shape.

To identify a pearl, there are a few things to look for. First, check for luster – pearls should have a bright, reflective shine. Next, look at the surface of the pearl for blemishes or irregularities. A high-quality pearl will be smooth and free of spots or marks. Finally, examine the shape of the pearl – if it is perfectly round, it is likely to be more valuable than an irregularly shaped pearl.

Pearls have many uses beyond jewelry. They are used in cosmetics and skincare products, as well as in traditional medicines. In Chinese medicine, pearl powder is believed to have anti-aging properties and to promote overall health and well-being. Pearls are also used in some toothpastes and other oral care products.

Pearl: Table of Properties

Attribute Pearl (src)
Transparency translucent, opaque
Chemical Formula CaCO3
Chemical Composition calcium carbonate
Specific Gravity 2.6, 2.72, 2.78, 2.78, 2.85
Hardness 2.5, 4.5
Streak white
Crystallography orthorhombic
Refractive Index 1.53, 1.69
Hydrous No
Colors common: cream, white
sometimes: red
less common: blue, gold, gray, pink, black, brown, green, orange, purple, silver, yellow, iridescent, multicolor
Category carbonate
Birefringence δ = 0.156

Pearl: FAQ

Q: Are all pearls round?
A: No, pearls can come in a variety of shapes, including oval, teardrop, and irregular shapes.

Q: Can pearls be artificially created?
A: Yes, cultured pearls are created by inserting a small object into a mollusk and allowing it to form a pearl around the object.

Q: Are pearls expensive?
A: The value of pearls can vary widely depending on their size, shape, and quality. Some pearls can be very expensive, while others are more affordable.


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