
Mimetite is a popular mineral composed of lead arsenate chloride. [1]

Images of mimetite

Mimetite: Quick Facts and Characteristics

Some quick facts for Mimetite:
  • Transparency: Mimetite can be opaque, translucent or transparent.
  • Crystallography: In terms of crystallography, mimetite is hexagonal.
  • Luster: In terms of luster, mimetite can be adamantine or resinous.
  • Streak: Mimetite streaks white.
  • Hardness: Mimetite's hardness ranges from 3.5 to 4 on the Moh's scale.
  • Specific Gravity: Mimetite's specific gravity is 7.24.

Mimetite: Background and Summary

Mimetite is a mineral that belongs to the apatite group and has a chemical formula of Pb5(AsO4)3Cl. It is a secondary mineral that forms as a result of the oxidation of lead and arsenic-bearing ores. Mimetite is usually found in oxidized lead deposits and is commonly associated with other minerals such as pyromorphite, cerussite, and galena.

Mimetite has a distinctive color that ranges from yellow to orange-brown and sometimes even red. It has a vitreous to resinous luster and a hardness of 3.5 to 4 on the Mohs scale. It is also characterized by its crystal habit, which is typically prismatic or acicular. Mimetite is often found as small, hexagonal prisms or elongated needles.

Mimetite has a few uses in the industrial world, but it is primarily used as a collector's mineral due to its unique color and crystal habit. It is also used in the manufacturing of lead-acid batteries and as a source of lead. However, these uses are relatively minor compared to its use in the mineral collecting community.

Mimetite: Table of Properties

Attribute Mimetite (src)
Transparency transparent, translucent, opaque
Chemical Formula Pb5(AsO4)3Cl
Chemical Composition lead arsenate chloride
Specific Gravity 7.24
Hardness 3.5, 4
Streak white
Crystallography hexagonal
Refractive Index 2.128, 2.147
Hydrous No
Colors common: yellow, orange, red, brown, green, colorless
less common: pale, white, multicolor
Category arsenate
Birefringence δ = 0.019
Fracture 1: 1

Mimetite: FAQ

Q: Is mimetite toxic?
A: Yes, mimetite is toxic due to its lead and arsenic content. It should be handled with care and not ingested or inhaled.

Q: Where is mimetite found?
A: Mimetite is found in oxidized lead deposits and is commonly associated with other minerals such as pyromorphite, cerussite, and galena. It is typically found in countries such as Mexico, Namibia, and the United States.

Q: What is the value of mimetite?
A: The value of mimetite varies depending on the size, color, and quality of the specimen. Small specimens can be purchased for a few dollars, while larger and more rare specimens can sell for hundreds or even thousands of dollars.


- Mindat.org. (2021). Mimetite. [online] Available at: https://www.mindat.org/min-2749.html [Accessed 4 Nov. 2021].
- Webmineral.com. (2021). Mimetite Mineral Data. [online] Available at: http://webmineral.com/data/Mimetite.shtml [Accessed 4 Nov. 2021].
- Mimetite: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mimetite

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