
Grossular is a popular gemstone (garnet) composed of calcium aluminum silicate. [1]

Images of grossular

Grossular: Quick Facts and Characteristics

Some quick facts for Grossular:
  • Transparency: Grossular is transparent.
  • Luster: In terms of luster, grossular can be adamantine or vitreous (glassy).
  • Streak: Grossular streaks colorless.
  • Specific Gravity: Grossular's specific gravity is 3.6.

Grossular: Background and Summary

Grossular is a calcium-aluminum mineral that belongs to the garnet group. It is usually greenish-yellow, brownish-yellow, or orange in color. Grossular is a common mineral and can be found in metamorphic rocks, such as schist and gneiss, as well as in some igneous rocks, such as granite. It is also found in some sedimentary rocks, such as sandstone.

To identify grossular, one can look for its characteristic crystal form. Grossular crystals are usually dodecahedral or trapezohedral in shape and have well-defined faces. The mineral is also typically translucent to transparent with a vitreous luster. Grossular has a hardness of 6.5 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale and a specific gravity of 3.57 to 3.73.

Grossular has a variety of uses, both industrial and aesthetic. It is used as a gemstone and is often cut into cabochons or faceted for use in jewelry. The green variety of grossular is known as tsavorite and is particularly popular as a gemstone. Grossular is also used as an abrasive in sandpaper and as a refractory material in high-temperature applications.

Grossular: Table of Properties

Attribute Grossular (src)
Transparency transparent
Chemical Formula Ca3Al2Si3O12
Chemical Composition calcium aluminum silicate
Specific Gravity 3.6
Streak colorless
Hydrous No
Colors common: pink, green, yellow
sometimes: red
less common: gray, brown, white, orange, purple, colorless
Category nesosilicate
Birefringence none
Fracture 1: 1

Grossular: FAQ

Q: Is grossular a rare mineral?
A: No, grossular is a common mineral and is found in many locations around the world.

Q: Can grossular be found in sedimentary rocks?
A: Yes, grossular can be found in some sedimentary rocks, such as sandstone.

Q: What is the hardness of grossular?
A: Grossular has a hardness of 6.5 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale.


Gemological Institute of America:
- Grossular:

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