
Brucite is a popular mineral composed of magnesium hydroxide. [1]

Images of brucite

Brucite: Quick Facts and Characteristics

Some quick facts for Brucite:
  • Transparency: Brucite can be translucent or transparent.
  • Crystallography: In terms of crystallography, brucite can be hexagonal or trigonal.
  • Luster: In terms of luster, brucite can be pearly, vitreous (glassy) or waxy.
  • Streak: Brucite streaks white.
  • Hardness: Brucite's hardness is 2.5 on the Moh's scale.
  • Specific Gravity: Brucite's specific gravity is 2.39.

Brucite: Background and Summary

Brucite is a mineral that is primarily composed of magnesium hydroxide. It is typically found in metamorphic rocks and in hydrothermal veins. Brucite is usually white or gray in color and has a pearly or waxy luster. It is relatively soft, with a Mohs hardness of 2.5 to 3.5, and has a specific gravity of 2.3 to 2.4. Brucite is typically identified through its crystal structure and its characteristic cleavage planes.

Brucite has a variety of uses. It is commonly used as a flame retardant, due to its ability to absorb heat and slow down the spread of flames. It is also used in the production of magnesium oxide, which is used in a variety of industrial processes. Brucite is also used in the production of fertilizers and as a pH adjuster in water treatment plants. Additionally, brucite has been studied as a potential material for use in carbon capture and storage technologies.

Brucite: Table of Properties

Attribute Brucite (src)
Transparency transparent, translucent
Chemical Formula Mg(OH)2
Chemical Composition magnesium hydroxide
Specific Gravity 2.39
Hardness 2.5
Streak white
Crystallography hexagonal, trigonal
Refractive Index 1.559, 1.6
Hydrous No
Colors common: blue, yellow, red, brown, green
sometimes: gray
less common: pale, pink, cream, white, colorless
Birefringence δ = 0.02

Brucite: FAQ

Q: Is brucite toxic?
A: Brucite is not toxic, but it can cause irritation if it comes into contact with skin or eyes. It is important to handle brucite with care and to wear appropriate protective equipment when working with it.

Q: Where is brucite found?
A: Brucite is typically found in metamorphic rocks and in hydrothermal veins. It is also sometimes found in serpentine deposits.

Q: Can brucite be used in jewelry?
A: Brucite is not commonly used in jewelry, as it is relatively soft and not particularly durable. However, it can be cut and polished into gemstones for use in decorative objects.


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