
Tsavorite is a gemstone (garnet) composed of calcium aluminum silicate. [1]

Images of tsavorite

Tsavorite: Quick Facts and Characteristics

Some quick facts for Tsavorite:
  • Transparency: Tsavorite is transparent.
  • Luster: In terms of luster, tsavorite can be adamantine or vitreous (glassy).
  • Streak: Tsavorite streaks white.

Tsavorite: Background and Summary

Tsavorite is a rare gemstone belonging to the garnet family. It was first discovered in the late 1960s in Tanzania by British geologist Campbell Bridges and was later found in Kenya. Tsavorite is known for its vivid green color, which is caused by the presence of vanadium and chromium. It is one of the most valuable and sought-after gemstones in the world due to its rarity and beauty.

To identify tsavorite, one can look for its distinct green color and its high refractive index, which gives it a brilliant sparkle. Tsavorite is also harder than most garnets, with a score of 7.5 on the Mohs scale of hardness. It is often confused with emerald or green tourmaline, but tsavorite has a higher refractive index than both of these gemstones.

Tsavorite is primarily used in jewelry, especially in rings, earrings, and necklaces. It is a popular choice for engagement rings because of its durability and rarity. Tsavorite is also used in high-end watches and other luxury items. In addition to its beauty, tsavorite is believed to have healing properties and is used in alternative medicine to promote emotional well-being and improve physical health.

Tsavorite: Table of Properties

Attribute Tsavorite (src)
Transparency transparent
Chemical Formula Ca3Al2Si3O12
Chemical Composition calcium aluminum silicate
Streak white
Hydrous No
Colors common: green
Category nesosilicate

Tsavorite: FAQ

Q: Is tsavorite a birthstone?
A: No, tsavorite is not a traditional birthstone, but it is sometimes used as a modern alternative to emerald for May birthdays.

Q: Where can tsavorite be found?
A: Tsavorite is primarily found in Tanzania and Kenya, but it has also been found in Madagascar, Mozambique, and Pakistan.

Q: How rare is tsavorite?
A: Tsavorite is one of the rarest garnets, and high-quality stones over one carat in size are extremely rare.

Q: How should I care for tsavorite jewelry?
A: Tsavorite is durable and can be cleaned with warm soapy water and a soft brush. Avoid exposing tsavorite to extreme heat or chemicals. Store it separately from other jewelry to prevent scratching.


- Gemological Institute of America. "Tsavorite Garnet." https://www.gia.edu/tsavorite-garnet
The Spruce Crafts. "What is Tsavorite?" https://www.thesprucecrafts.com/tsavorite-garnet-gemstone-4126778
American Gem Society. "Tsavorite Garnet Gemstone Information." https://www.americangemsociety.org/page/tsavoritegarnet
- Tsavorite: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsavorite

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